Year 10
During Year 10 students undertake a variety of disciplines and tasks to fully develop their skills and capabilities. This prepares them for undertaking any of the Humanities subjects in Year 11. The students are taught the four areas of Humanities – Economics, Geography, History and Politics and Law. Specialist teachers teach these courses on an eight-week rotation basis. Students will complete two assessments for each area, inclusive of the end of Semester 1 and end of year examinations.
Economics explores the ways individuals; families, the community, businesses and governments make decisions in relation to the allocation of scarce resources. The aim of the Year 10 course is to provide students with an introduction to Year 11 ATAR Economics and enable them to understand the process of economic decision-making.
Unit 1: To Buy or Not To Buy – The World of Markets
From school canteens and second-hand stores to supermarkets and the Australian Stock Exchange, markets bring together people who want to sell goods and services with others who want to buy them. In fact, markets are all over the place! It is the system we use to determine the production and distribution of goods and services.
In this unit we will explore:
- the way markets are used to manage the economic problem
- different types of economic systems used around the world
- enterprising behaviours and capabilities to contribute to the development and prosperity of the economy
- real-life behaviours in markets as producers of original products for MARKET DAY
Unit 2: Economics and Society
Economics is not just an individual pursuit for wealth. Economic issues impact on people’s everyday life. It can help you understand how your own livelihood is connected to the larger economic world, and introduce you to the ongoing conversation – among economists, government officials, business leaders, and ordinary citizens – about how to make the world fairer, richer and more prosperous for all.
In this unit we will explore:
- the issue of unemployment, including youth unemployment
- economic growth and living standards
- the role of the government in the economy
- global inequality of wealth and living standards
The first History module covers the Road to the Second World War as well as Australia’s involvement in the war in the Pacific. This will include interesting topics such as:
- The Wall Street Crash and the depression
- The rise of extreme political parties such as the Nazi Party
- Kokoda
- The dropping of the Atomic bombs
- The Holocaust
The second unit covered is the Civil Rights movement where we examine the fight for equal rights in both the USA and Australia. Topics such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Selma Riots and the Stolen Generation will be covered.
Political and Legal Studies
In this course you will build on your understanding of the concepts of democracy, democratic values, justice, and rights and responsibilities by exploring Australia’s roles and responsibilities at a global level and its international legal obligations. You will also explore the values and practices that enable a resilient democracy to be sustained.
Government in Our Region
- Features of Australia’s Government: Elections and Separation of Powers
- Australia’s relationship with governments in our region: Indonesia and East Timor
- Film Study: Balibo – The murder of 5 Australian journalists by Indonesians invading East Timor
Australia in the World
- Foreign Aid, United Nations Peace Keeping Missions
- The High Court and International Treaties
- The Law of the Sea: Refugees and Boat Turn Backs
International Law and United ‘Nations’ Peacekeepers
- International Convention on Racial Discrimination, Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Australia and the Mabo Case
- Sustaining a Cohesive Society
- The Threat of ISIS, Corruption, Organised Crime, Cyber Hackers and Criminals
Unit 1: An Unequal World
Mumbai is the most populated city in India with a population estimated at 19 million people. Like many cities around the world today, there are huge differences between the ways people live compared with others. The access they have to food and fresh water, the types of housing in which they live and levels of employment vary enormously.
In this unit we will explore:
- An unequal world: exploring some of the reasons why enormous variations in wellbeing exist in different populations around the world.
- Inequalities in wellbeing: how natural environments and human activities cause inequality.
- How we can improve wellbeing and who is working to improve wellbeing.
Unit 2: Environments at Risk
The Earth supports 7 billion people every day, supplying us with the water, air and food we need to survive. This is done through a multitude of systems; some tiny, others as large as the Earth itself. Without these systems, life as we know it would not exist. Despite this, many human activities are threatening these systems through climate change, species extinction, and land and water degradation.
In this unit we will explore:
- How humans interact and use the environment.
- How human activities affect the environment: (Loss of biodiversity, climate change, pollution or the real cost of the mobile phone).
- How people change and manage the land: (Soil degradation & repair, disappearing forests and management etc).
- Case Study Investigation: How do people change and manage a chosen environment (urban area, coastal, marine, or land environment).
- Field work and guest speakers will be used as a resource to help facilitate better learning.
Assessments: Students will complete a series of assessments including individual and group assessments. All Humanities courses will sit an examination at the end of each Semester.
If you require further information please see Mr Stenner or a member of Humanities Department.