Engineering Principles & Systems

Engineering Principles & Systems
Year 10
The Engineering Principles and Systems course has been designed for students who have a keen interest in Engineering and are contemplating a STEM related career. STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and the course is based on the premise that all four facets of STEM occur in many aspects of everyday life.
The course aims to develop critical thinking, collaboration and problem-solving skills in a project-based learning environment. It will be housed in a brand-new, purpose-built classroom with state-of-the-art production equipment, including 3D printers and laser cutting machines, to ensure a high standard of project manufacture.
The Engineering Principles and Systems course includes:
- The production of practical solutions to investigate the role physics and force has on mechanisms and materials in engineering.
- Project based learning and assessment.
- Excursions and collaborations with commercial resource mining and manufacturing companies.
- Representing the school in STEM challenges and events.
- Preparing students for future studies in STEM based courses at University and TAFE.
An important requirement for the course is for students to work both independently and collaboratively with others to complete projects to a high standard within a specific time frame. All projects are divided into a theory component and a practical component.
Prerequisites: Students must achieve a C grade in Year 9 Science and a minimum grade of C in the cohort grade section for Mathematics in their report.
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