
Year 10
Watching and helping young children grow can be fun. Students will have the opportunity of learning about babies and become informed in the areas of conception, pregnancy, developmental stages, birthing, the needs of infants including bathing, feeding and changing, as well as immunisation and health. Practical activities include the making of nursery items, planning and hosting a baby shower, and preparing nutritious meals & snacks for pregnant women and babies.
Students of today, baby-sitters of tomorrow, parents of the future. Parenting is learned, not instinctive. This course covers roles and responsibilities of carers, the importance of play, developmental stages of an infant, toys and safety and the feeding of toddlers. Practical activities visiting an Early Learning Centre, designing and making children activities and toys as well as planning and conducting playgroups, hosting a Toddlers Picnic, and parenting the virtual baby.
It also provides a background for students who wish to continue with Certificate II in Community Services: Child Focus or Children, family and the Community General Course in Year 11.
Safety Requirements: Students will need to work safely when using sewing machines, irons, scissors and kitchen equipment.
This course leads to: Children, Family and the Community General course.