Prendiville Specialised Music
The Music Department at Prendiville is a unique, vibrant and exciting area. We are proud to offer a specialised instrumental and classroom music programme that allows students to build on their music skills and give them a deeper understanding they play and listen to.

Prendiville Specialised Music
Year 9
The Music Department at Prendiville is a unique, vibrant and exciting area. The Prendiville Specialised Music course is designed for those students currently learning a musical instrument or voice either within or outside of the College, who are either highly skilled, wishing to pursue Music as a subject in upper school, and/or have a strong interest in or passion for the subject.
The Year 9 PSM course covers the study of various contexts, with units in composition, music history, concert performance practice, aural perception and ensemble skills. It is structured as a 4-period course to allow students the opportunity to extend their skills in two ways – three units per week on skill-based learning and one unit per week on performance and ensemble-based learning. Learning will also continue through extended co-curricular activities, instrumental or vocal tuition, and involvement in small and large ensembles.
This specialised course provides a solid grounding for students who wish to study ATAR Music in future years, or who have an interest in studying music in greater depth including those who may wish to go into the fields of audio engineering or music technology.
Prerequisite: Year 8 Prendiville Specialised Music (PSM) C grade or higher or working at AMEB Performance Grade 2 or above.
Pathway: This course leads to Year 10 Prendiville Specialised Music (PSM)
For students who wish to study two double-electives (Italian and PSM), special timetabling conditions apply. Please speak to the Head of Performing Arts for more information.