
Year 9
The study of Italian in Year 9 aims to extend the basic communication skills previously acquired and give students a deeper understanding of the Italian language and the culture.
Lessons therefore include a balance of oral, aural and written activities, designed to promote both understanding and use of the target language. Students also have the opportunity to participate in excursions and other cultural activities, which enable them to utilise the target language and to develop an understanding of the culture.
Students study topics such as:
- Hobbies / pastimes and going out
- Countries, languages and nationalities
- Fashion and going shopping
- The weather
- Travel
- Food and eating out in Italy
Prerequisite: Minimum of C grade in Year 8 Italian
Course Length: 4 periods per week for one year (the equivalent of 2 elective choices)
Pathway: Year 10 Italian then Year 11 ATAR Course.
For future consideration: Students continuing a language to Year 10 and beyond can participate in the College Tour of Italy or in the WAATI / Intercultura Student Exchange Programme at the end of Year 10 and/or Year 11.
Additional Course Fee
This course/subject attracts an additional fee which is listed in the Schedule of Fees and Charges. The fee will be invoiced on your Family fee account.