Vinnie's Christmas Appeal 2021
Christmas for many of us is a time of happiness and celebration as we gather with our family and friends sharing meals, laughing and chatting as we open presents. However, for people experiencing poverty and disadvantage Christmas can be a challenging time. You can help!
Prendiville Catholic College is supporting with the collection of donated goods which will assist our local Saint Simon Parish Vinnies Conference in creating Christmas Hampers.
These hampers will be delivered to families in need over Christmas.
Below is a list of currently required items.
sugar 1kg | tea bags | pancake mix | tinned fruit and vegetables | tinned soup | cereals| jelly | biscuits | crackers |rice | Chicken Tonight | pasta sauce (tomato) | custard mix | Christmas cake | small Christmas puddings | lollies | chips
Any other hamper donations that you can provide will be most appreciated also.
Most importantly, food must be unopened, have a long expiry date and be non-perishable.
All Donations Due: Thursday 25th November, Week 7.