During term one, thirty students from Years 10-12 had the privilege of being part of the inaugural SIGMA Leadership Program at Prendiville. The program is run by Former WA Youth Ambassador and Harvard Scholar, David Castelanelli from Alpha Motivation, who is becoming a familiar face around the College. The SIGMA program is a modern, self-development program that teaches the most important leadership skills, aimed to help students succeed at school and beyond.
The SIGMA Program involved eight workshops designed to improve time management skills, teamwork skills and the ability to lead both oneself and others. Many of our students chose to attend the Alpha Conference in the second week of the school holidays where Alpha Motivation brought together like-minded students from a variety of schools that have been part of their SIGMA and PEAK programs.
What has been most impressive about the SIGMA program is the students’ commitment to attend weekly, how well they interacted with each other, the range of knowledge shared during the sessions and above all, their curiosity to want to know more.
Congratulations to all the students involved. It is because of your engagement, that the program has been very successful, and we look forward to offering the SIGMA program in 2022 for Years 10-12 and introducing the PEAK leadership program for Years 7-9.
Tayla Minchin
“At the start of the term, we officially started the SIGMA Leadership Program. We were all a bit curious and intrigued of what was to come and personally it was better than I expected. The environment created by David and all the other students was so welcoming and cheerful. Throughout this term we have worked on leadership skills, what makes a good leader, public speaking and much more. David made us all feel so welcomed and included throughout the program, making it easier to connect and participate in all activities. Overall, this program was amazing. We all had so many laughs and got to learn a lot about improving ourselves as a leader. I would just like to thank David for coming down and running this program, it was truly remarkable.
On Friday, the 16th the SIGMA conference was held. There was a wide range of students from many different schools, who were all as eager as each other for the day to commence. Through out the day we were introduced to three guest speakers – which included Damian Martin, Elizabeth Knight, and Kai Lovel. They were so welcoming and made the experience so much nicer. The conference altogether was a great day and we all really enjoyed ourselves.”
Joe and Dani
“David Castellenelli’s PEAK conference was an inspiring and eye-opening experience that allowed us to grow and understand ourselves in order to improve our chances of becoming strong and successful. With inspirational speakers, including the likes of Damian Martin, we were given stories to teach us of teamwork and strong friendships.”
“My daughter has really enjoyed the leadership programme and has gotten so much out of it. I love hearing all about it from her and feel her enthusiasm. I have learnt some great information from her telling me about it (never too old to learn !!!)”
David Castelanelli
“It was a pleasure to work with the first ever group of SIGMA students at Prendiville. As a facilitator, I noticed that students were very engaged and challenged themselves to become better leaders throughout the program.
Many of the students made significant changes over the 8 week program, and are now in a strong position to succeed in the years ahead. This program has prepared students for leadership positions, jobs, scholarships and any other extra-curricular opportunities that may come their way.
I look forward to staying updated on the student’s continued success and growth. Thank you so much to Prendiville for supporting this program and for always going above and beyond to support their students.”