Discover Prendiville

Christus Pastor Meus
Prendiville Catholic College is known for providing young men and women with a unique College experience.
The College’s quality educational curriculum is diverse in its offering of pathways to tertiary education and life beyond school.
A Contemporary Catholic College
A College that evolves to align with contemporary values and future opportunities.
Our campus is modern, celebrates outdoor learning areas and is up-to-date with technology to remain consistent with evolving Western Australian education. Prendiville is also renowned as a pilot College for new initiatives in partnerships with Universities, corporations, local council and Catholic Education WA.

Inclusive and welcoming
Prospective Students, Family and Community members will always be extended a warm welcome to our College.
Campus ToursEnrolment Policy
The Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia has an Executive Directive on enrolment. This Directive contains a priority order that is used to select students for whom an offer of enrolment will be made. The priority order contains eight categories listed below.
Catholic students from Catholic Primary Schools with a Parish Priest reference.
Catholic students from non-Catholic Primary Schools with a Parish Priest reference.
Other Catholic students from Catholic Primary Schools.
Other Catholic students from non-Catholic Primary Schools.
Siblings of non-Catholic students.
Non-Catholic students from Catholic schools.
Non-Catholic students from other Christian denominations.
Other non-Catholic students.

Child safe environment
The elements of the CEWA Child Safe Framework support a child safe culture. Healthy and respectful relationships in an engaging, safe and supportive environment.
We encourage the input and leadership of students in making environments and activities safer and more inclusive at school and beyond. The College has a student-developed code of conduct developed in Student Voice and Community forums.
Our staff and students work together to maintain a College environment supportive of our most important values: safety, happiness, inclusion and respect.
Committed Teachers & Staff
Prendiville staff display the highest quality of standards both as qualified educators and compassionate mentors to both their students and each other.
With over 20,000 students who have passed through Prendiville since 1986 the notices of appreciation by Prendivilians of their past teachers and mentors is overwhelming.
Excellent Pastoral Care
Our College House system is structured to give students a sense of identity, belonging and inclusion. Students make lifelong friends through their House and overcome challenges to set them on life’s path in the most supportive of environments.
Pastoral CareOur HousesPathways to Success
There are 4 pathways of study to prepare students for post-school destinations.
Outstanding Facilities
Prendiville has some of the most modern, technically advanced College facilities in the Northern Corridor.
- Large Gymnasium and Function Centre next to ovals and courts overlooking ocean views
- Performing Arts Centre housing the 300 seat Redmond Theatre, and studios for music and dance
- The Prendiville Centre with transformative upper-level board room and The Good Shepherd Chapel
- A high-end commercial Gallery with surrounding workshops
- The Keller Technology Hub (opened in 2020): computer labs and learning areas surrounding a central maker space inclusive of 3D printers and electronics
So many opportunities to be involved in campus life!
Our College prides itself in providing an expansive series of learning programs which go beyond the confines of the curriculum learning sphere. Every student at Prendiville Catholic College is encouraged to become an enthusiastic member of campus activity.
These include sporting carnivals and competitions, subject area competitions, clubs and co-curricular programs, House competitions, lunchtime games and events and special day celebrations, Parents of Prendiville hosted events, mentoring, College musicals, Art award entries, service learning and community engagement opportunities.
LENNOX-BRADLEY Bursary & Madalah Scholarships
Prendiville Catholic College and Catholic Education Western Australia are committed to providing educational opportunities to Aboriginal students from years 7 to 12. It does this through support for Aboriginal students through its Yirri Yaarkin Program, which was established in 2018.
In partnership with not-for-profit organisation MADALAH, Prendiville Catholic College offers a number of tuition fee scholarships for Indigenous students.
Initial enquiries and information can be obtained from:
Mrs Cheryl Lennox-Bradley
(Yirri Yaarkin Coordinator)