Pathways to Success

Pathways to Success
At Prendiville Catholic College, there are 4 pathways of study to prepare students for post school destinations: ATAR, FLEXed, GENERAL and LINKed. Pathways to Success Flyer
Creating Opportunities
Prendiville Pathways are the many diverse options we have for students to enter the world beyond secondary school. Our College excels in our responsiveness to the diverse needs of our students, which are the pathways that cater for students who thrive outside of “traditional” formats.
ATAR | Pathway To University
Destination: University
The ATAR pathway is for those students who are aiming for university. Students commencing Year 11 on the ATAR Pathway are those who are aiming to achieve both their WACE and an ATAR score. Achieving an ATAR score is the most direct path to university education. Students wishing to enter university directly need to study a minimum of four ATAR courses in Year 12 and gain a high enough ATAR to meet university entrance cut off scores. All ATAR courses have pre-requisites.
Pathway Requirements: ATAR pathway students must study at least four ATAR courses.
FLEXed | Pathway To Certified Accreditation
Destination: TAFE, Work, Alternative Uni Entry
The FLEXed Pathway is designed for those students who seek a senior secondary education in a flexible learning environment. It is designed for active and practical learners. Students study most courses with the same group of students. A unique aspect of the program is the challenge of managing a real life business enterprise onsite at the College in the form of an Artisan Gallery.
Pathway Requirements: Students study the following courses: Religion & Life (General) | Cert II in Work Skills | English (General) | Design: Dimensional Design (General) | Materials Design & Technology: Wood (General) | TIDE Enterprise (SCSA Endorsed Program).
LINKed | Alternative Pathway To Edith Cowan University
Destination: Edith Cowan University via Edith Cowan College
Prendiville Catholic College (PCC) offers an alternative entry pathway into Edith Cowan University (ECU). The LINKed alternative pathway to university will prepare students for a successful transition to university life and study.
Students accepted into the LINKed pathway study six General courses. They are students capable of university study but an ATAR direct pathway is not suited to them or they may not have met the prerequisites to study ATAR courses in Year 11 and 12.
On acceptance to the LINKed pathway, students will receive an offer of place into the ECC’s Diploma course of their choice.
General | Graduation Pathway To Options Beyond School
Destination: TAFE, Work, Alternative Uni Entry
General courses are for students who are aiming to enter vocationally based training or the workforce straight from school. General courses may be used for alternative entry to some university courses.
Pathway Requirements: Students studying less than four ATAR courses are on a General pathway.