Prendiville Specialised Music

Prendiville Specialised Music (PSM)
Year 7
The Music Department at Prendiville is a unique, vibrant and exciting area. We are proud to offer a specialised instrumental and classroom music programme that allows students to build on their music skills and give them a deeper understanding they play and listen to.
The PSM course covers topics such as musicianship, composition, basic music knowledge and performance, and is structured to allow students the opportunity to extend their skills as a musician and performer. Learning will also be extended through co-curricular activities, instrumental or vocal tuition and involvement in small and large ensembles.
Specialised Music in Year 7 consists of a 55-minute curricular class, a group or individual lesson with a specialist instrumental or vocal tutor on a rotating timetable, one large ensemble rehearsal and one musicianship rehearsal per week for the entire year.
Students currently on the Specialised Band Scholarship Programme or learning an instrument through the College will be automatically placed into this course.
This course leads to Year 8 Prendiville Specialised Music (PSM).